
Kimberly has osteonecrosis (death) of the jawbone.
This is life threatening.

It is a condition in which the jawbone disintegrates. This can lead to the jawbone poking through the gums and more bone death due to a lack of blood flow to the exposed area. These changes can eventually result in the collapse and destruction of the bone structure and spread to other parts of the body. (That is starting to happen now.)

Without dental intervention, the fatigue and bone pain throughout her whole body will increase. Eventually, activities like speaking and eating will become more challenging (and more difficult and expensive to treat).

An estimated $20,000 is needed for dental surgery and post-op care. Given that she is uninsured for this condition due to insufficiency with our dental, medical, and insurance paradigm in the US, she has no choice but to ask for the kindness of strangers.

In an effort to find levity in a life threatening situation, she launched the fundraiser during the Halloween weekend.  You can read more about this on her fundraiser here.  For donation options and an accounting summary, please click here.

Thank you for visiting!

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