Resources for Deeper Learning

In the process of being created for you……

I have done 4 years of medical research by reading dozens of books, attending many doctors conferences, drafting a book, leading a medical support group of fellow health seekers, creating 3 study group modules, giving presentations and much more.

It has become clear to me that there are a lot of unseen heroes out there giving very selflessly of themselves to create a safer and healthier world for us all. Those people have my immense heartfelt gratitude for fearlessly shining their light…. even when the political and economic forces would prefer they didn’t.

As an Ambassador of Peace, I need stay balanced and empathetic to ALL parties, to encourage change for a healthier and kinder world for us all. I always try to be empathetic to other points of view, but I truly struggle to understand what justifies certain conduct. I have no illusion that anything I say or do will matter to them, but I hope I can make a difference for each person I encounter.

Deciding what to share is not an easy choice. I chose references directly relevant to the medical condition described and one general reference movie about electricity.

The topics are as follows:  (In the process of being created for you……)