Medical Disclaimer & Personal Statement

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We value the diverse opinions of practitioners and researchers. Sharing perspectives does not imply endorsement of opinions. We believe dialogue is vital for striving to improve human health and nutrition and improve our understanding. The range of perspectives are usually science-based, and sometimes the information may seem contradictory to other perspectives. Readers should be aware that knowledge of nutrition and medicine is constantly evolving and everyone involved has widely varied depth and width of expertise on the subject.

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It is the reader’s/patient’s responsibility to seek to understand how their body works and take the actions necessary to support it. By investing in this understanding of the body, you will acquire a critical life skill which could save your life, or someone you know.

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This is my personal statement about the use of electronics and human kindness.

“Every human has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, to be spoken to kindly and gently, to be encouraged, supported, and given a chance to be the best person possible. When we treat one another with love, respect, and kindness, we grow, we blossom, we reach the top, and we excel. — When we aren’t nurtured or supported, the reverse happens. We wither; we shrink, we die.”

There’s a lot of sick people out there and the number increases daily. What I have found with people who have EMF illness who over use electronic devices is that they have a negative bias in thinking. (It’s not necessarily social media that is the problem, but rather the EMFs from the device and duration of use! That is why you will NEVER find me on social media.) In some unfortunate cases overuse of electronics leads to anxiety and anger management issues. Many of these people are incapable of realizing these symptoms are the result of their limbic system crying for help. (Our lack of education about this does NOT help!)

I believe all people are born with a positive bias in thinking, with love for all. Babies exemplify this perfectly. The environment over time changes people. To act and speak with love as we age is a conscious and deliberate act that requires education to make informed choices.

I aspire to express myself always with love and compassion. I am interested in dialogue that enriches understanding that results in greater peace and health for all. If I don’t feel that effort is mutual if/when we engage, I will disengage and suggest taking a device free camping trip to go heal in nature for a weekend. If after that I feel there is a mutual effort to inspire each other to be better humans, than I’d be delighted to continue engaging. In other words, I’ll forgive a temporary lapse in composure, (IF) you are making an effort to improve. I want to be clear on the types of relationships I value and seek for myself and those I may impact with my presence.

Also, please offer friendly reminders if we meet and I forgot your name. Thank you, if you remember me. My short term memory issue is not about not caring about who you are or what you say… but I will ALWAYS remember how you made me feel. My communication capacity in a fleeting moment varies wildly. Communication can be hard for me sometimes because my nervous system is quite damaged, but I’m highly intelligent, with a kind and gentle heart. Those who geniunely know me will tell you what I’m sharing to be true.